The Courses
Literature of
This is an immersive study of the literature of Paterson, New Jersey, offering students academic inquiry into the literature as well as a hands-on experience of the literature through field trips, interviews with writers, and their own writing. Students will visit relevant historic and artistic sites in Paterson, meeting some of Paterson’s most important poets and writers, while studying widely acclaimed works of literature that focus on Paterson. Students will develop reading, writing, critical thinking, and analytic and research skills through the study of the arts and humanities.
Computer Graphics
Prism Paterson
This course is dedicated to image construction and manipulation. Students will begin to work with traditional art materials, moving on to experiment and elaborate within the digital realm, and finally realizing their completed project in published form, specifically this Prism Paterson website.
Community Writing
in Paterson
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Travel Writing
Destination Paterson
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Paterson Texts
and Contexts
Paterson’s history serves as the context in which to seek what poet William Carlos Williams called “the American idiom.” This class explores how the “voice” of Paterson and its people reflects the American dream. Students will be introduced to literary images and stories of Paterson and an overview of microhistory approaches and basic sociological methods employed in the study of cultural history.
Music from Paterson
and Beyond
Students will study different genres of music from the 20th and 21st centuries, investigating how the music has reflected cultural shifts that took place in America and, more specifically, in the city of Paterson, New Jersey. Included will be walking tours of Paterson and its diverse neighborhoods, attendance at local performances by Paterson-born musicians, and opportunities to FaceTime with well-known artists originally from the city of Paterson. Students will interview members of Paterson’s up and coming music-cultures, providing students the opportunity to learn first-hand about the city’s present-day musicians, and how their contributions interface with the ever-changing soundscape of contemporary music.